Reading time (250 wpm): <1 minutes.


In The Beginning …

My vision … … for this blog is to provide a space where we can consider, share, and discuss spiritual ideas that are important, ideas that give us the opportunity to unify our split identities – to heal ourselves and our diverse communities. I’ll share my ideas and I...

God Is Infinite

This idea that God/Spirit/Higher Power is infinite is such a powerful idea precisely because most people already accept it and because it leads to so many meaningful lessons. Although most people would agree that their concept of a Higher Power includes the idea that...

An Earnest Quote from Ernest

Who Was Ernest? Ernest Holmes (1887-1960) was a spiritual philosopher who wrote over a dozen powerful books. His major contribution to the “New Thought” movement is entitled The Science of Mind. This book launched the spiritual phase of my life. The book is filled...


Clarity I have been working on a book for over a decade. The book entitled Affirm Yourself is about teaching...

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