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My Writing About

My Writing

I’ve been writing most of my life.

I started at a young age. My Dad was a pharmacist and he taught me to type on the typewriter he used for the prescription labels. At first, I was too young to reach the typewriter on the countertop so I had to stand on a step stool to type. Typing is a skill that has served me well to this day.

I have a Ph.D. in Pharmacology (drug research) that led to a teaching and research position at a medical school for almost 30 years.

I did lots of technical writing: grants, research papers, lecture handouts, meeting minutes, teaching manuals, etc. In addition to sharpening my writing skills, this career activated my deep interest in science which persists and still influences my writing.

When I retired, I became a Licensed Massage Therapist, a very different career choice. A few years later, I was hired to create a new Massage Therapy program at a local college. There were more application forms, lecture handouts, and meeting agendas to write. Massage therapy also gave me a valuable perspective on health and wellness that continues to influence my perspective. It also led me to a deeper awareness of subtle energies and a fascination with the advancing horizons of science.

Around the time I was becoming a massage therapist, I also developed a deep appreciation of spirituality. I now feel that part of my life purpose is to integrate science and spirituality which are two distinct ways of examining the deepest and most important questions we can ask. I hope to bring all of this together in what I write.

There are lots of examples of my writing here for you to sample and hopefully enjoy and gain something. If you check the menu in the upper right corner you’ll find:

  • a bunch of blog posts on the Blog page.
  • a page of information about my first book, Affirm Yourself, which includes some additional resources related to the book.

I hope that you find this informative and empowering. I encourage you to leave a comment on any blog posts or reach out to contact me through the Contact Me page.

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