Go Within or Go Without

Go Within or Go Without

Reading time (250 wpm): 6 minutes. Before writing this post, I tried to find an original source for this quote and found it referenced to Gloria Benish, Yogi Bhajan, Viktor Frankl, and Neale Donald Walsch. Although the origin is uncertain, its meaning is clear, at...
Good vs. Bad

Good vs. Bad

Reading time (250 wpm): 4 minutes. Is Evil a Thing? In a previous post, I stated my belief that we are all, each and every one of us, part of Divine Spirit. That may feel like sacrilege to some. How could I possibly suggest that we are all part of God when we are so...
Affirmations: Product/Process, Petite, uPdated

Affirmations: Product/Process, Petite, uPdated

Reading time (250 wpm): 5 minutes. When I first learned this list of qualities of affirmations, there were three P’s. As I started writing about affirmations in my book, Affirmative Prayer, the list grew to 10 P’s. As I have begun writing these blogs, the list has now...

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